Wednesday, September 10, 2008

wow!! its been forever

wow! how can i start this.. its been a long time since ive blogged. well lets see what have i been up too, well right now im in school pursuing my degree in Nursing, im currently taking my prerequisite at Merritt College and boy what a new experience im around HELLAH i mean HELLAH young'in and being around them just makes me feel really old. But i gotta do what i gotta do to have a better future for me and Brandon.
for the summer i went to jersey to attend my cousins wedding, during the 4th of july weekend and that was the first time i was away from Brandon that long and boy did i miss the little rascal but at the same time felt nice to have some me time yah know! and also i was happy to see my family and spending time with the cuzins. nothing really exciting happening in my life... i guess thats about it for now.. i have to get back to studying my human anatomy for the real mid-term next week! wish me luck

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