Monday, January 29, 2007

To True, Too Often

Too often we don't realize
What we have until it is gone
Too often we wait too late to say
"I'm sorry - I was wrong."

Sometimes it seems we hurt the ones
We hold dearest to our hearts
And we allow foolish things
To tear our lives apart.

Far too many times we let
Unimportant things into our minds
And then it's usually too late
To see what made us blind.

So be sure that you let people know
How much they mean to you
Take that time to say the words
Before your time is through.

Be sure that you appreciate
Everything you've got
And be thankful for the little things
in life that mean a lot.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Drivers Ed 101 and a Weekend Get Away

its been a hot minute since i have JABBED and bitched or vent about what has been going on with my so called life.. any how first off im not complaining because i love the life that i have now... with my son Brandon my family and my great circle of friends. .. but here is the story i have to things to blog about..


ok, now tell me this if your parked by a curb lets say in front of a restaurant and your about to pull out to the street.. so you first make sure its clear before you pull out or your pull out and not check if its clear and get honked at by on coming traffic and call you a stupid driver.. well i would say the first one is correct.. well this son of a bitch (filipino may i add) gets mad at me cause i honked at him when he was pulling out and has the nerve to say i have a mickey mouse drivers license ok WTF.. and he bust out saying you want me to hit you like that (with a fob accent) when we were at a light...i told him that he almost hit me and i have the right of away
and as the light turn green.. he literally try to hit me.. that son of a bitch i was so fucking heated and i yelled at him and threaten to call the cops and i guess he didnt know i was filipino and i said putang ina mo..lucky Brandon was not in the car with me .. but i was pissed i chased him and he kept on trying to avoid me cause his ass new i was right... any how enough about him.. every time i think about it, it just makes my blood boil.


Headed to Tahoe for the weekend and it was nice getting away with the friends and may i add having a child changes the way you act or think twice about what your about to do.. i mean i didnt get really messed up because the only thing on my mind was Brandon and how it would effect how i would take care of him if i wasnt in the right state of mind yah know.. any how thanks to Tuan and Lanie for driving up to Tahoe and cuzin Jay for the good cookies.. and the rest of the folks there that made the weekend a good one.. meeting knew friendly folks and getting reunited with the old ones..

oh and by the way.. i chopped my hair and here is how it looks now..

ok i guess thats about it.. hmm hopefully i can get to write more when i get the chance.. and im still debating if im going back to At&t or if im not im going to have to start looking for a job some where in my area.. im so tired of the commute.. but if i have to sacrafice the i guess i gotta do what i gotta do yah know.. ok.. JAB more next time.. PEACE

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Karaoke Revolution

Ok the other night me and China went to sun valley mall with Brandon, she wanted to buy a jacket but couldnt find it... i was trying to look for a fit to wear for Leia baptismal and the night i hang out with Lanie and Tuan, you never know i might meet someone hahaha.. any how i couldnt find anything so we ate dinner at Fresh Choice and headed to best buy after to buy ink for the printer and i found Karaoke Rev. and i played it till mid-night.. i was singing my ass off and having fun,and i've unlocked hellah things.. my goal is to make it to Diamond stuck at platinum..its soo fun and probablly even better with more people joining me.. hmm i guess thats all.. woke up with a cramp on my neck.. and im kinda moody today because of it.. gotta get ready for church..JAB later

Friday, January 5, 2007

Brandons appointment

Brandons appointment was yesterday, he was suppose to get his shots but i forgot to add him to my insurance so i had to reschedule. But i was able to discuss about his circumsize, and they cant do it and have to go to a specialist. I kinda blame the doctor cuz, he was saying when he comes in to his next appointment will schedule it, and would make an exception since he was born a big baby. and i was constantly buggn him when i was in the hospital that i wanted it done before we went home. but since it was the holidays he wasnt sure it can be done. or maybe he was just bullshitting. WTF any how Brandon is 12lbs 3oz now and getting bigger by the minute... here is the most recent picture of him new years day. im going to take a nap now, my auntie wants to visit my uncle at fairfield.. so tah tah for now

Wednesday, January 3, 2007


did you know that when you try to call EDD and actually try to speak to a rep, there is a maximum limit of people to call. its freaking irritating because ive been trying to call for like a week and i can never get thru. and today i actually woke up early and try to be the first caller and i freaking fell asleep and woke up at 9:15 and they take calls at 8..agh!!! i' try again tomorrow. i really need to talk to someone because i need to let them know that i had a c-section and the paper they provided to let them know that i had a c-section, i think my grandma threw it away and thats an extra 2 weeks of pay.

any how ... i have a doctors appointment today and Brandon has his tomorrow.. and we are going to schedule his circumsize (spelling) also.. thats all for today i think..hmm im wondering if im even doing this blogging thing right.. b-cuz there is another option i saw that says create another blog.. and the one im doing now is a new post.. so whats the difference?? egh whatever.. this seems easier.. byee for now

being a mommy

My son was born November 21, 2006 @ 10:35 am 9lbs 3oz 20 inches.. it was the happiest moment in my life and tears of joy fell from my eyes the moment the doctor showed him to me. Its amazing how a human being is made by just a single sperm and egg and you take care and nurish this human being developing inside you for 9 months...actually for the rest of their lives. I knew i wanted to be a mom before i was 30 and i knew i would be a good one...but having Brandon in my life is such a big change, even if im not married or if things dont work out with me and the baby daddy.. he is my first priority, my life. My life 3 1/2 years ago was all a blurr.. i was single and enjoying it, not having a serious relationship or having to worry about anything besides my family and friends. I have a few friends that started early with having a family and kids.. but not me.. i wanted to enjoy every minute of my single life as much as possible.. and i did, i had plenty of good times and none i regret and i can still enjoy life now.. as a new mommy.. and i enjoyed every second when i was pregnant because i had the support from my family and my friends who gave me advice, and those who shared there pregnancy with me.. its funny cuz 5 of my girlfriends including me were all pregnant and we all gave birth a month a part..starting from July and im the last one for this year... and until now im enjoying motherhood, learning something new every day watching him grow.. and getting use to saying he is my son and hearing my brothers and sister say nephew.. everyday i smile because of him. I can say right now "LIFE IS GREAT"

First Blog

a close friend of mine had ask me to join her in this blogging thingee and which i did and this is my first blog, and this one is for you Lanie... my very first blog

here's to the nights that turned into days.. days that turned into entire weekends. we met somewhere down the line through someone just as awesome as we are! no matter what reason was.. i am so thankful because the memories of those club nights...all the shots..laughing at the folks who let us go and the folks who try wayy too hard.. running around from bar to bar.. taking
thousands of pictures... you are now a part of my life and i am greatful because you absolutely rock!!!